And it can start right now with valuable advice and tips from an Emmy award-winning producer, director and writer with 35+ years of experience to share with you!
Be encouraged to live your dream,
you can make it happen!
My job is to help make that a reality.
Hi Everybody! I’m so happy and honored you are here.
My name is John Pattyson and they call me the "Inside Man".
I've been INSIDE the entertainment business for 35+ years and I've done pretty much every job you can do in Hollywood. I began my career as a Sportscaster with NBC. I settled in LA to host various TV shows, and was an on-camera host for HBO as well. I started my first production company at 24 years old. I've been very fortunate to have won multiple Emmy's for directing, producing, and writing. I eventually got involved in the world of XR, extreme reality, which includes virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and virtual humans. All of these fields are looking for new talent right now and are new sources of employment for years to come. I hope what I am about to share will be helpful and enlightening in many different areas.

Our courses
In this course, you will learn that there is much you can do to prepare before you actually move to Hollywood. We will teach some simple strategies to utilize and suggest some resources to implement to give you some confidence and knowledge before you hit town. And if money is a concern, we will show some innovative ways to make extra money with a side hustle that still keeps you on track to reach your dream.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
In this course, we will also highlight a vast variety of jobs and careers to give you many choices to consider. Chances are, you will have various jobs working in Hollywood before you find the career path that excites you. This is part of the fun.
" Don't give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you."
-- John Wooden.
what client says
John gave me the inspiration, knowledge and encouragement to go for my dreams of working in Hollywood. I hopped in my car in Green Bay, Wisconsin drove to LA and within months landed my dream job at one of the top Sports Marketing firms in America working with top athletes and celebrities. I’m on my way!” Thank You “Inside Man.
Keaton Kastberg
The moment you believe you can't do it, everything else begins to crumble. Never stop believing.
I can testify to this
and my job is to help you believe in yourself when you don’t.
john pattyson
Thank you!
I will be Your Inside Man